> Can you provide a link to the specific theme?
Link: https://themeforest.net/item/softa-software-wordpress-theme/20868500
> That seems to say that you couldn't put the theme files in a public SVN
> repository, which means... other project committers couldn't build the
> website.
Yes, I have the s
Can you provide a link to the specific theme?
On first look, I don't see how this can be appropriate for building any
major part of an Apache project's web presence. The licenses there
would seem to prevent other people from forking any of the website,
which would not be appropriate. For example
Hello Incubator PMC’ers,
I purchased a WordPress theme from the site of https://themeforest.net, and
this theme's license is a regular license.
This license description is:
1. You are licensed to use the Item to create one single End Product for
yourself or for one client (a “single application”)