Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Rya (Incubating) version 4.0.0 RC1

2019-07-25 Thread Paul King
+1 (binding) I checked: - incubating in name - signatures and hashes okay - DISCLAIMER exists - NOTICE year needs updating as previously noted (fix next release) - LICENSE is okay - No unexpected binary files - Al files have ASF headers - `mvn -DskipTests clean install` passes - `mvn clean install

Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Rya (Incubating) version 4.0.0 RC1

2019-07-25 Thread Justin Mclean
Hi, +1 (binding) I checked: - incubating in name - signatures and hashes fine - DISCLAIMER exists - NOTICE year needs updating - LICENSE is fine - No unexpected binary files - Al files have ASF headers - Can compile from source Thanks, Justin

Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Rya (Incubating) version 4.0.0 RC1

2019-07-25 Thread Josh Elser
+1 (binding) * KEYS is updated * xsums/sigs OK (SHA512 is good) * No binaries in the source release * Can build from source! * DISCLAIMER/LICENSE/NOTICE all OK (need to update copyright year in NOTICE, fwiw) Good work, folks! - Josh On 7/22/19 6:24 PM, Aaron D. Mihalik wrote: The Apache Rya

Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Rya (Incubating) version 4.0.0 RC1

2019-07-23 Thread Adina Crainiceanu
+1 (non binding) I checked: -name includes incubating -checksums correct (md5, sha1, sha512) -DISCLAIMER exists and has the correct content -LICENSE exist and has the correct content -artifacts placed where expected in -no unexpected binaries i

[VOTE] Release Apache Rya (Incubating) version 4.0.0 RC1

2019-07-22 Thread Aaron D. Mihalik
The Apache Rya community has voted and approved the proposed release of Apache Rya 4.0.0 (Incubating) RC1. We now kindly request the Incubator PMC members review and vote on this incubator release. Rya (pronounced "ree-uh" /rēə/) is a cloud-based RDF triple store that supports SPARQL queries. Rya