Thank you Gordon for the +1 , and Rich for the comment and opportunity to
I want to ask for an ASF incubator mentor for this, to move it forward.
We are reaching out to key companies in the quantum computing industry with
this proposal - to have a vendor neutral project at Apache - and h
+1 for this idea.
On Fri, Feb 10, 2023 at 11:58 AM James Dailey
> Thanks Rich.
> "The Open Quantum Safe (OQS) project is an open-source project that
> aims to support the development and prototyping of quantum-resistant
> cryptography."
> So, their concept is very different - it's att
Thanks Rich.
"The Open Quantum Safe (OQS) project is an open-source project that
aims to support the development and prototyping of quantum-resistant
So, their concept is very different - it's attempting to provide a
"counter" to quantum computing which may render existing encrypti
Have you seen ? The team is impressive.
Work is done on GitHub, MIT license, and has integrations with OpenSSL and
I'm seeking additional input and interest in this idea. AFAIK, there
are no existing projects of this type in the attic, active, or
At ApacheCON North America (october 2022), we heard from the CEO of
Strangeworks, Whurley!.
He presented the idea of an open source project that co