The iBATIS team has worked through the incubation checklist in a
open and collaborative fashion. The remaining step is to transfer
the source code repositories to svn.apache.org. The offsite repositories
are being frozen on Sunday 16 January 2005, in order to
complete the transfer. Once the
The Incubator's Quarterly Report is due next week. All projects should
e-mail a brief status report (and make sure that their STATUS file is up to
date) by the weekend.
Mentors, you don't have to do the report yourself, but please do make sure
that it gets done. :-)
Anyone should feel free to r
All projects should e-mail a brief status report (and make sure that their
STATUS file is up to date) by the weekend.
Mentors, you don't have to do the report yourself, but please do make sure
that it gets done. :-)
--- Noel