RE: Project swag store to benefit the ASF

2014-09-06 Thread rgardler
A few people have done this over the years. The short answer is a) don't abuse the trademarks (I'd in doubt ask on trademarks@) b) donate any proceeds via fundraising@ (they can help you figure out the best way of seeing up payments) c) accept or implicit thanks for doing "good stuff" If you wa

RE: Mentors heartbeat

2014-09-04 Thread rgardler
er ID, and updating years and months to current and >> here's what I get): >> >> 29 phunt >> 24 tomwhite >> 24 rvs >> 24 mattmann >> 23 cdouglas >> 20 hsaputra >> 18 bdelacretaz >> 18 arvind >> 16 adc >>

Re: [PROPOSAL] REEF for the Apache Incubator

2014-08-01 Thread rgardler
I added the proposal to the Wiki at Sent from Windows Mail From: Sent: ‎Friday‎, ‎August‎ ‎1‎, ‎2014 ‎12‎:‎14‎ ‎AM To: Hi everyone, I would like to propose REEF to be an Apache Incubator pr

Re: Podling binding votes

2014-07-24 Thread rgardler
As a mentor I've (nearly) always advised that if there are three IPMC votes on the dev list then there is no need to make further noise on the general list with unnecessary +1's. I therefore point out in the general@ vote mail that 3 binding (IPMC) +1's have been received and therefore there is