[ANNOUNCE] Release Apache DolphinScheduler (Incubating) 1.3.2
Qiao 乔占卫 qiaozhan...@outlook.com ---
[RESULT][VOTE] Release Apache DolphinScheduler (Incubating) 1.3.2
taking the time to review the release and help us. I will process to publish the release and send ANNOUNCE. Best Regards --- DolphinScheduler(Incubator) PPMC Zhanwei Qiao 乔占卫 qiaozhan...@outlook.com ---
[VOTE] Release Apache DolphinScheduler (Incubating) 1.3.2
are carried over from DolphinScheduler dev mailing list: +1 Furkan KAMACI Best Regards --- DolphinScheduler(Incubator) PPMC Zhanwei Qiao 乔占卫 qiaozhan...@outlook.com ---