Re: [VOTE] Graduate Apache Ratis as TLP Project

2021-01-31 Thread Mukul Kumar Singh
[ASF Member, HBase, Incubator PMC, and also PMC in accumulo, calcite, fluo, phoenix, rya] * Lokesh Jain [Hadoop, Ozone PMC, Incubator Committer] * Marton Elek[Hadoop, Ozone PMC, Incubator Committer] * Mingliang Liu [Hadoop PMC, Incubator Committer] * Mukul Kumar Singh

[RESULT][VOTE] Apache Ratis Thirdparty incubating Release 0.4.0 rc1

2020-04-28 Thread Mukul Kumar Singh
Thanks all for voting for the release of Apache Ratis Thirdparty 0.4.0. The 0.4.0 vote passes with   3 +1 binding votes   2 +1 non-binding vote   0 -1 votes. +1 vote from  - Uma Maheshwara Rao G (binding)  - Arpit Agarwal (binding)  - Jitendra Pandey (binding)  - Mukul Kumar Singh (non-binding

[VOTE] Apache Ratis Thirdparty incubating Release 0.4.0 rc1

2020-04-25 Thread Mukul Kumar Singh
Hi IPMC, Apache Ratis Thirdpardy 0.4.0-rc1 vote [1] is just passed on the PPMC vote [2]. Apache Ratis is an embaddable Raft implementation but this release artifact is only the packaging of some of the 3rd party dependencies. The git tag to be voted upon:

[VOTE][RESULT] Apache Ratis incubating Release 0.4.0 rc4

2019-09-19 Thread Mukul Kumar Singh
Thanks everyone who has verified and voted on the release candidate! With 4  binding +1's 2 non-binding +1's and no -1's, the vote for rc4 has passed. Thanks, Mukul On 9/17/19 11:08 PM, Arpit Agarwal wrote: Thanks, RATIS-680 [1] will fix LICENSE file issues in the next release. 1. https://i

[VOTE] Apache Ratis incubating Release 0.4.0 rc4

2019-09-16 Thread Mukul Kumar Singh
approve [ ] +0 no opinion [ ] -1 disapprove (and reason why) Starting with my +1. Regards, Mukul Kumar Singh

[VOTE] Apache Ratis incubating Release 0.4.0 rc3

2019-08-22 Thread Mukul Kumar Singh
(and reason why) Starting with my +1(non-binding). Regards, Mukul Kumar Singh

Re: Showcase your project at ApacheCON at a Podling's Shark Tank

2019-08-15 Thread Mukul Kumar Singh
Apache Ratis is interested too. We will like to present as part of ApacheCon Vegas. Webpage: Thanks, Mukul On 8/15/19 9:56 PM, Steve Lawrence wrote: Daffodil is interested! We have a couple developers attending ApacheCON NA that are happy to take part. T