elease as a Top-Level Project and hope to finally
have it ready before Christmas. What a nice present ;-)
Jakob Frank (Marmotta PMC Chair)
on behalf of the Marmotta PMC
TL;DR: A big THANK YOU to our mentors Andy Seaborne, Fabian Christ and
Nandana Mihindukulasooriya, and to the general In
had no need for them during incubation.
On 13 November 2013 03:57, David Crossley wrote:
> Jakob Frank wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> the Marmotta podling, whose goal is to provide an Open Platform for
>> Linked Data, entered incubation in December 2012. Since th
, Marmotta Mentor)
Alan D. Cabrera (IPMC)
Suresh Marru (IPMC)
Marvin Humphrey (IPMC)
Jake Farrell (IPMC)
There were no +0/-1s.
Thank you all for voting!
I'll proceed by sending the Resolution to board@a.o
On Mon, 2013-11-04 at 09:59 +0100, Jakob Frank wrote:
> Hi all,
serve as the initial members of the
Apache Marmotta Project:
* Peter Ansell
* Fabian Christ
* Sergio Fernández
* Jakob Frank
* Dietmar Glachs
On 30 October 2013 00:55, Marvin Humphrey wrote:
> * The mission scope in the resolution looks good. (I didn't do a
> line-by-line check of the whole thing.)
It's basically the template [1] with the variables replaced and the
paragraph about creating bylaws removed: we didn't see the need f
* Fabian Christ
* Sergio Fernández
* Jakob Frank
* Dietmar Glachs
* Thomas Kurz
* Nandana Mihindukulasooriya
* Raffaele