Hi, I'm the current lead developer and are mostly maintaining all of EasyMock, the venerable mocking framework.
I'm thinking about moving it to Apache. My main interest is to find a new community for it. However, I don't want it to stay in the incubator forever. So I won't move to Apache if I don't get enough interested committers. The goal of this mail is to find out if there is any interest in collaborating on EasyMock future development. EasyMock is a great and highly used framework. I want you to help me to make it greater. I has also the advantage to be a small framework. So it is easy to understand. The code is mostly clean and is well-tested. The give you a glimpse of my actual roadmap (which is extremely open): - Add more sophisticated verifies (e.g. Mockito style). I think this is a great feature that makes the test more readable - Java 8 support. Find a nice way to take advantage of Java 8 for mocks - Add spies Interested? Henri