Jukka Zitting schrieb:
Incubator PMC,
Please vote on accepting the PDFBox project for incubation. The full
PDFBox proposal is available at the end of this message and as a wiki
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Henning Schmiedehausen schrieb:
> Huh, am I late?
Me too ;-)
I thought this was just the disussion and the vote would start afterwards.
Anyway, as a long time JSPWiki user
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Carsten Ziegeler schrieb:
> The proposal is nearly unchanged from the original submission. Full
> text is attached below. (or you can find it at the wiki at
> http://wiki.apache.org/incubator/SanselanProposal)
> Please cast your votes:
David E Jones schrieb:
> The Apache Open For Business Project community has voted internally and
> agreed on readiness to graduate from the Apache Incubator based on the
> Incubator Policy exit guidelines here:
> Please cast your votes:
Great diverse community which worked really h