[RESULT][VOTE] Accept Rya into the Apache Incubator

2015-09-18 Thread Adam Fuchs
The vote for accepting Rya into the incubator passes with 5 binding +1s and 4 non-binding +1s. I will work with the mentors to start the ball rolling. Binding +1: Rob Vesse Andy Seaborne Chris Nauroth Sean Busbey Venkatesh Seetharam Nonbinding +1: Atri Sharma Josh Elser Adina Crainiceanu Phillip

[VOTE] Accept Rya into the Apache Incubator

2015-09-14 Thread Adam Fuchs
== Affiliations == * Roshan Punnoose, Enlighten IT Consulting * David Rapp, North Carolina State University * Adina Crainiceanu, US Naval Academy * Aaron Mihalik, Parsons * Puja Valiyil, Parsons * Jennifer Brown, Parsons * Steve Wagner, Enlighten IT Consulting == Sponsors == === Champion =

Re: [DISCUSS] Rya Incubator Proposal

2015-09-11 Thread Adam Fuchs
> >Using Rya. Information Systems, Volume 48, Pages 181-195, March 2015 > > >(Available online 23 July 2013) > > > > > >== Initial Source == > > > > > >The code is currently available in a private Github repository. > > >https://github.com/LAS-

Re: [VOTE] accumulo-1.3.5-incubating RC10

2011-12-13 Thread Adam Fuchs
Looks like we're still one IPMC vote short. Is there someone out there that would like to jump in and help us get this release out? Thanks, Adam On Dec 8, 2011 11:22 AM, "Eric Newton" wrote: > If at first you don't succeed... hopefully this candidate passes all the > hurdles. > > Please vote on

Re: [PROPOSAL] Accumulo for the Apache Incubator

2011-09-03 Thread Adam Fuchs
Hi Owen, I believe the answer is yes regarding the code grant, and I am currently confirming that with our lawyers. The LGPL dependencies are not core to Accumulo, and we're working on substituting other packages. We would have no problem doing this before the initial commit if necessary. Cheers