Seata depends on a large number of third-party dependencies, and we
are continuing to monitor the security vulnerabilities of
dependencies. To address this, we have already created a project to
trace the dependencies vulnerabilities.
Dependencies vulnerabilities:
Hi Atri,
> On Oct 21, 2023, at 06:31, Atri Sharma wrote:
> This vote is now closed with 10 +1s and no opposing votes.
> The vote has passed.
Please be sure to close the vote with a VOTE RESULT message to the incubator.
Warm regards,
> I will start the further procedures now.
PJ Fanning 于2023年10月21日周六 21:47写道:
> +1 (binding)
> Seata seems to be in good shape.
> One minor nit - the dependency list in
> has a great deal out of outdated dependencies - with a large number of
> CVEs associated with
+1 (binding)
Seata seems to be in good shape.
One minor nit - the dependency list in
has a great deal out of outdated dependencies - with a large number of
CVEs associated with them.
On Sat, 21 Oct 2023 at 13:52, Sheng Wu wro
This vote is now closed with 10 +1s and no opposing votes.
The vote has passed.
I will start the further procedures now.
On Mon, 16 Oct 2023 at 3:40 PM, Atri Sharma wrote:
> Following up the [DISCUSS] thread on ResilientDB, I would like to call a
> VOTE to accept into the Apache Incubator.
Hi Incubator
Following the discussion from <[DISCUSS] Incubating Proposal of Seata>[1],
I am starting this official vote for the Seata project.
Here is their proposal,
Please cast your vote:
[ ] +1, bring into the Incubator