Re: Any incubation proposal template for projects which leaving the attic.

2022-06-09 Thread Brahma Reddy Battula
Thanks a lot Suhas And Roman for heads up.. One good news is that the attic team has confirmed[1] that ambari can leave (undo [2]) attic.. Now we've enough ASF members who are involved in the project,I think we can move forward. >Atri Sharma >Devaraj Das >Vitthal Suhas Gogate >

Re: [HELP WANTED] Creating the next board report

2022-06-09 Thread Zhang Yonglun
Hi Justin, I would like help completing the tasks from the first table 'After the board meeting'. And I have put my name next to these tasks. -- Zhang Yonglun Apache ShenYu (Incubating) Apache ShardingSphere Justin Mclean 于2022年6月9日周四 10:13写道: > > Hi, > > I’ve put together a talk list for the