Hi Sedd, Dave and Justin,
Thanks for your kind pointers.
We will check and update our download pages and to-announce email.
Any progress will updated here first.
Juan Pan(Trista), Apache member, Apache S
Regards the headers, perhaps think of it this way.
If you leave the headers on, you are respecting the original copyright holder
and their license for that code. The license is compatible with the ASF license
so there no issue, you just need to list it in you LICENSE file. If you remove
Hi all,
Thanks for reviewing and voting for Apache Kyuubi(Incubating)
v1.3.0-incubating RC9
release, I am happy to announce the release voting has passed with
(* = binding)
- Akira Ajisaka *
- Cheng Pan
- Duo Zhang *
- Kent Yao
- Justin Mclean *
- Vino Yang
- Wanqiang Ji
- Willem Jiang *
- Xu