[DISCUSS] Host Dynamic Content on Apache Sever?

2019-11-04 Thread 申远
Hi, there During solving brand issue for Apache Weex, I found there is a website [1] that could violate the brand of Apache Weex. After some communication, I learnt they use Node.JS to develop the website site. Is there a way to migrate such dynamic content to https://weex.apache.org ? According

Re: [DISCUSS] StreamPipes proposal

2019-11-04 Thread Christofer Dutz
Hi all, So are there any more comments, or should we start the vote? Chris Am 03.11.19, 11:17 schrieb "Julian Feinauer" : Hi, it would of course be awesome to have JB on board. And indeed what JB suggests was the way I was also thinking of Streampipes and had a several discus

Re: [VOTE] Release Apache Superset (incubating) 0.35.0 [RC3]

2019-11-04 Thread Alan Gates
Forwarding my +1 from the dev list. I checked the LICENSE, NOTICE, and DISCLAIMER files, the signature and hash, and checked for any improperly licensed or binary files (there are some font and image files, but these are ok). Alan. On Mon, Nov 4, 2019 at 1:33 AM daniel gaspar wrote: > Hi IPMC,

[VOTE] Release Apache Superset (incubating) 0.35.0 [RC3]

2019-11-04 Thread daniel gaspar
Hi IPMC, The Apache Superset PPMC and IPMC recently passed a voting for RC2, but I just realized there is a minor issue. The issue was that the version was labelled `0.35.0rc2` inside the tarball, as opposed to `0.35.0`, meaning that when installing from source, the Python & npm packages would app