Hi all,
The vote to release Apache Hivemall (incubating) v0.5.2 passed with
three +1 binding votes and no other votes.
+1 binding:
Koji Sekiguchi
Daniel Dai
Justin Maclean
Vote thread:
I've added you. Happy Editing!
On Sun, Dec 2, 2018 at 8:29 PM zhangli...@apache.org
> Hello,
> Because of Due 5th December for Incubator Podling Report, so any one setup
> wiki write access for me, thank you very much.
> --
> Liang Zhang (John)
> Apache Sharding-Sph
Because of Due 5th December for Incubator Podling Report, so any one setup
wiki write access for me, thank you very much.
Liang Zhang (John)
Apache Sharding-Sphere & Dubbo
zhangli...@apache.org 于2018年11月30日周五 下午12:44写道:
> Hello,
> I'm a PPMC of Apache ShardingSphe