Can you please grant me write access to the incubator wiki for the purpose
of contributing to the podling status report?
My wiki username is MatteoMerli
Thank you,
Matteo Merli
Thank you, John.
On Tue, Sep 5, 2017 at 4:35 PM, John D. Ament wrote:
> Bruce
> The vote is that recommendation. I usually recommend the nominated chair
> send the resolution to the board and for a mentor to post it to the agenda.
> John
> On Sep 5, 2017 6:31 PM, "Bruce Snyder"
The vote is that recommendation. I usually recommend the nominated chair
send the resolution to the board and for a mentor to post it to the agenda.
On Sep 5, 2017 6:31 PM, "Bruce Snyder" wrote:
> Now we must wait for the IPMC next steps to make its recommendation to the
> board.
Now we must wait for the IPMC next steps to make its recommendation to the
On Tue, Sep 5, 2017 at 6:05 AM, Von Gosling wrote:
> Hello IPMC,
> As 72 hours have elapsed, the voting period has concluded, and the vote
> passes.
> 4 +1 (binding) votes:
> * John D Ament
> * Bruce Sny
+1 (binding). Sorry for the late vote; was on holiday. This release
has gotten a bit complicated in that it didn't actually end up with 3
binding votes. Going to add mine now.
* MD5/SHAs check out.
* spot check on licenses looks good.
* setup works.
Hello IPMC,
As 72 hours have elapsed, the voting period has concluded, and the vote passes.
4 +1 (binding) votes:
* John D Ament
* Bruce Snyder
* Willem Jiang
* Justin Mclean
11 +1 (non-binding) votes:
* Von Gosling
* Xin Wang
* Huxing Zhang
* Kevin Ratnasekera
* lollipop
* liuxue
* John Fang