The vote passes with 3 binding +1 votes and no -1s:
Roman Shaposhnik
Justin Mclean
Konstantin Boudnik
Thanks for reviewing this release and voting! We'll move on to finalizing
the release and announcing it.
-Dan, on behalf of the Apache Geode (incubating) team
On Thu, Apr 21, 2016 at 3:34 PM, K
I filed GEODE-1271 for the sha256 issues.
On Thu, Apr 21, 2016 at 3:34 PM, Konstantin Boudnik wrote:
> +1 [biding]
> Signature is good
> sha256 is good
> release tar content matches the commit
> build works out of the source code
> Minor stuff on top of Justin's detailed analy
+1 [biding]
Signature is good
sha256 is good
release tar content matches the commit
build works out of the source code
Minor stuff on top of Justin's detailed analysis:
- suffix for sha256 file is better be sha256, looks confusing otherwise
- the file itself isn't properly formatted, which pr
Looks like we still need one more binding vote on this release. Could
someone please take a look and vote?
On Mon, Apr 18, 2016 at 12:08 PM, Dan Smith
> Hello Incubator PMC,
> This is a call for a vote on the Apache Geode (incubating) release
> 1.0.0-incubating.M2.
> Thi
The Apache Apex community is pleased to announce release
3.2.1-incubating (Apex Core).
Apache Apex is an enterprise grade native YARN big data-in-motion
platform that unifies stream and batch processin
Cool and thanks!
On Thu, Apr 21, 2016 at 1:44 PM, Mark Thomas wrote:
> On 21/04/2016 21:40, Gregory Chase wrote:
> > Seems we have a JIRA user who's spamming Apache HAWQ? Is this a
> compromised
> > account, or someone who has access that shouldn't?
> It is a public Jira instance on which anyo
On 21/04/2016 21:40, Gregory Chase wrote:
> Seems we have a JIRA user who's spamming Apache HAWQ? Is this a compromised
> account, or someone who has access that shouldn't?
It is a public Jira instance on which anyone can create an account.
Sometimes spam happens. It is the cost of an open develop
Seems we have a JIRA user who's spamming Apache HAWQ? Is this a compromised
account, or someone who has access that shouldn't?
-- Forwarded message --
From: Kalramin (JIRA)
Date: Thu, Apr 21, 2016 at 1:34 PM
Subject: [jira] [Created] (HAWQ-694) 1844-313-4857 Quickbooks payro
@P. Taylor,
Thanks for the detailed recap. As you mentioned we did contact those
authors hoping to hear back.
When I did the fork I did inform the original author:
IIRC the owner this event with a like or a +1 (or whatever they provided),
Here’s the fork history:
gossip-protocol-java [1] —> gossip-java [2] —> Edwards github repo [3]
Both [1] and [2] appear to be developed by a single person. With very little
development (each has only two commits, by a single author, dating back to
2010). Both projects were also ASLv2 from the s
Could you provide a link to the discussion?
On Thu, Apr 21, 2016 at 11:41 AM Sean Busbey wrote:
> This got discussed at length over the Metron proposal. We only need to
> worry about an SGA from the original codebase authors if there is
> still an active community.
> AFAICT, there
This got discussed at length over the Metron proposal. We only need to
worry about an SGA from the original codebase authors if there is
still an active community.
AFAICT, there is not. A notice to the original authors about what's
happening with encouragement for them to show up if they're intere
That is a good plan to understand the code hand over. I mentioned this in
another reply, but if this presents and issue I am more than happy to do a
clean room implementation. There are a few reasons for this:
Firstly, we want to make a spec so that other implementations in other
languages can be
If you don't mind, I'll open a LEGAL ticket to check on the who of the SGA,
if you haven't already. It'll be good to know for future discussions as
On Thu, Apr 21, 2016 at 1:56 AM Taylor Goetz wrote:
> Lewis, please be patient.
> Edward and I are working on getting ICLAs signed, e
14 matches
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