Hi Alan,
Thanks for the pointer.
I'm -1 on this graduation for the following reasons:
1. It looks eerily similar to the creation of umbrella projects. I would
expect the ASF board to not be happy with the graduation of a podling as
effectively a sub project of an established TLP, with the sub pr
No. See the thread of the Hive vote at
for a discussion of how the teams will be merged.
On Feb 8, 2013, at 3:58 PM, Mattmann, Chris A (388J) wrote:
> D
Dear Alan,
Just a quick question: does this mean that the Hive PMC += (Apache
HCatalog Incubating PPMC)?
On 2/8/13 11:38 AM, "Alan Gates" wrote:
>Apache HCatalog entered incubation in March of 2011. In the process it
>has added five new committers and two new PPMC membe
Apache HCatalog entered incubation in March of 2011. In the process it has
added five new committers and two new PPMC members and made 3 successful
The Hive PMC has voted to accept HCatalog as a part of Hive. The vote thread
for this is at
After 72 hours, the vote for CloudStack 4.0.1-incubating *passes* with 3
IPMC +1 vote:
+1 (binding)
* Jim Jagielski
* Olivier Lamy
* Alex Karasulu
There were no -1 or +0 votes cast.
Jim, Olivier, and Alex voted on the cloudstack-...@incubator.apache.org
vote thread [1].
I will be publishing