Hi Roman,
Great job on this, again. For completeness:
On Sep 15, 2012, at 4:08 PM, Roman Shaposhnik wrote:
> Suresh Marru
Is an IPMC member, per [1].
Thanks and again good luck!
[1] http://people.apache.org/committers-by-project.html#incubator-pmc
The VOTE by Apache Incubator to graduate Bigtop podling has passed.
Tally of binding votes is as follows:
8 +1 votes
Chris Mattmann
Doug Cutting
Ted Dunning
Alan Gates
Jukka Zitting
Tom White
Arvind Prabhakar
Patrick Hunt
0 +0 votes
0 -1 votes
In additi
On 14 September 2012 14:01, Franklin, Matthew B. wrote:
> Good report. Two questions/comments:
> - Why not just propose the committers and see what the PPMC thinks
> before holding an official vote? Is there a reason for waiting?
No specific reason for waiting other than being busy.
I've j