On Fri, Jan 13, 2012 at 11:56 PM, Jakob Homan wrote:
> What are the mechanics for having two NOTICE/LICENSE
> files for one release?
If you're using Maven and the Apache parent POM, you can put any extra
LICENSE and NOTICE content into
src/main/appended-resources/META-INF/LICENSE and .../NOT
As part of Kafka's release process, it was stated that binaries
brought in via a tool like Maven as part of building a binary release
(but that are not included as part of a source release) need to be
included in the NOTICE and LICENSE file as appropriate. Kafka chose
to release just a source rele
Hi all,
Clerezza 0.2 is ready for release. This will be our first incubator release.
We had a preliminary vote in the PPMC, which has been accepted, the +1
votes include the one from IPMC member Tommaso Teofili.
The PPMC vote result is here:
>I've had a look, the only issue i see is I don't think the NOTICE file
>in the binary distribution is correct as it has many things which i
>expect are not required. When we last discussed this on general@ we
>said this is not strictly a blocking problem, so
>but i think you should do a co
The voting period is now closed. Thanks to everyone who took the time to
review the release.
Result Summary for this List:
+1 [1]
With the two IPMC member votes from mentors on the dev list and the +1 from
this list, the vote succeeds.
IPMC member voting record:
* Ate
I've had a look, the only issue i see is I don't think the NOTICE file
in the binary distribution is correct as it has many things which i
expect are not required. When we last discussed this on general@ we
said this is not strictly a blocking problem, so
but i think you should do a complete r