> This is a proposal to start a content analysis toolkit project in the
> Apache Incubator. The live version of the proposal is available at
> http://wiki.apache.org/incubator/TikaProposal.
Looks like a good fit.
The Tuscany community recently voted to release version 2.0-alpha-
incubating of the Kernel for SCA Java.
[VOTE] to release the kernel modules
[VOTE] to release an amended version of the sample code
The Tuscany community recently voted to release version 1.0-
incubating of our implementation of the API classes for the OSOA
specification V1.0:
The source archives and RAT reports can be found at:
On 3/8/07, Adam Lally <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
After correcting some issues in our last release candidate (thanks to
Jean Anderson for finding these), the Apache UIMA community has again
voted to release version
2.1.0-incubating. We would now like to ask the Incubator PMC to
approve this r
Daniel John Debrunner wrote:
> Marshall Schor wrote:
>> Jean T. Anderson wrote:
>>> Overall the release looks good to me. I verified the *.asc signatures
>>> and looked more closely at uimaj-2.1.0-incubating-src.tar.gz .
>>> I noticed just one thing that struck me as odd in the user
>>> documen
Marshall Schor wrote:
Jean T. Anderson wrote:
Overall the release looks good to me. I verified the *.asc signatures
and looked more closely at uimaj-2.1.0-incubating-src.tar.gz .
I noticed just one thing that struck me as odd in the user
documentation. The "UIMA Documentation Overview" in
The copyright statement is true, AFAIK. Portions are still under
IBM's copyright, and acknowledging that in this way seems good to
me for the reasons Marshall named.
Ken Coar, Sanagendamgagwedweinini http://Ken.Coar.Org/
Author, developer, opinionist http://Apache-Serve
Jean T. Anderson wrote:
Overall the release looks good to me. I verified the *.asc signatures
and looked more closely at uimaj-2.1.0-incubating-src.tar.gz .
I noticed just one thing that struck me as odd in the user
documentation. The "UIMA Documentation Overview" in