Re: Question about Hermes

2005-03-28 Thread Davanum Srinivas
We are already working on a replacement name (started 2 weeks back?). check the hermes-dev mailing list. thanks, dims On Mon, 28 Mar 2005 00:05:16 -0500, Noel J. Bergman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Jim Seach wrote: > > > There is another open source project currently using [Hermes], > > hosted

Re: [VOTE] Graduate iBATIS and recommend as TLP

2005-03-28 Thread Clinton Begin
Noel, Although we are a database related project, I don't believe we could join without a significant change to what means. has its own PMC, which (AFAIK) has no knowledge of iBATIS, nor would we want to impose such burden upon them. iBATIS is a large, g

Re: [VOTE] Graduate Derby from the incubator

2005-03-28 Thread Jeremy Boynes
Roy T.Fielding wrote: The incubator site uses Forrest, not Maven; most people just edit the content under site-author and let someone else generate the real site. True to form, I updated the content, added the project specific goals and am leaving for someone else to generate the real site. Pleas

[vote] Beehive V1Beta Release on svn rev #159040

2005-03-28 Thread Ken Tam
Per D, Beehive formally requests that the Incubator PMC approve a beta release as described below. -Original Message- From: Ken Tam Sent: Friday, March 25, 2005 1:37 PM To: Beehive Developers; [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subje

RE: [VOTE] Graduate iBATIS and recommend as TLP

2005-03-28 Thread Noel J. Bergman
Ted, It seems appropriate to graduate, but should iBATIS be a TLP, or go under, along with Derby and related Jakarta Commons code that has been moving, in your opinion? --- Noel - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [

Re: [VOTE] Graduate iBATIS and recommend as TLP

2005-03-28 Thread Clinton Begin
My vote is not binding either, but I'm interested in moving this along. :-) +1 On Mon, 28 Mar 2005 14:24:54 -0800, Roy T. Fielding <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > +1 > > Roy > > > - > To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTE

Re: [VOTE] Graduate Derby from the incubator

2005-03-28 Thread Roy T . Fielding
Pardon my ignorance but where does this file live and do I have karma to update it? Any committer on an incubator project has karma Information on how to make incubator site changes can be found at The incubator site uses Forrest, not Maven; most

Re: [VOTE] Graduate Derby from the incubator

2005-03-28 Thread Jeremy Boynes
Pardon my ignorance but where does this file live and do I have karma to update it? -- Jeremy Roy T.Fielding wrote: Sorry, I'd like to vote for this, but someone was being cute and removed a lot of relevant questions from the template at and thus

Re: Prepping for Derby graduation vote

2005-03-28 Thread Roy T . Fielding
There are more important issues with graduation as Roy just pointed out with his veto. I think once these technicalities are settled this project is ready. Er, just a vote -- there is no veto for this type of decision. I will change my vote to +1 as soon as the documentation is fixed. Roy --

Re: Prepping for Derby graduation vote

2005-03-28 Thread Alex Karasulu
Cliff Schmidt wrote: It sounds like people involved with the project are happy with the user community and the process being followed by the Derby committers, and it's great they've added a committer since starting Incubation. However, the committer diversity issue has been raised as an issue by at

Re: Prepping for Derby graduation vote

2005-03-28 Thread Jeremy Boynes
Cliff Schmidt wrote: It sounds like people involved with the project are happy with the user community and the process being followed by the Derby committers, and it's great they've added a committer since starting Incubation. However, the committer diversity issue has been raised as an issue by at

Re: [VOTE] Graduate Derby from the incubator

2005-03-28 Thread Roy T . Fielding
Sorry, I'd like to vote for this, but someone was being cute and removed a lot of relevant questions from the template at and thus I don't have the answers that the ASF needs. For comparison, see the tables in

Re: [VOTE] Graduate Derby from the incubator

2005-03-28 Thread Alex Karasulu
+1 - Alex - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [VOTE] Graduate iBATIS and recommend as TLP

2005-03-28 Thread Roy T . Fielding
+1 Roy - To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Prepping for Derby graduation vote

2005-03-28 Thread Cliff Schmidt
It sounds like people involved with the project are happy with the user community and the process being followed by the Derby committers, and it's great they've added a committer since starting Incubation. However, the committer diversity issue has been raised as an issue by at least a couple folk

[VOTE] Graduate Derby from the incubator

2005-03-28 Thread Rodent of Unusual Size
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- As mentor, I feel comfortable proposing that Derby graduate from the incubator and take up its place in the DB project. So I'd like to start a formal vote on the issue. - -- #kenP-)} Ken Coar, Sanagendamgagwedweinini http://Ken.Coar.Org/ Author, developer,