> ---
> [x] +1 I support this release and am willing to help
> [ ] +0 I support this release but am unable to help
> [ ] -0 I do not support this release
> [ ] -1 I do not support this release, and here are my reasons
> ---
1) Is the STATUS file up to date?
2) Any legal, cross-project or personal issues that still need to be
* Software grant has been recieved by the ASF.
* All trademark issues with project name have been resolved.
* We have renamed the JCMS project as Graffito to avoid naming
> ---
> [X] +1 I support this release and am willing to help
> [ ] +0 I support this release but am unable to help
> [ ] -0 I do not support this release
> [ ] -1 I do not support this release, and here are my reasons
[x] +1 I support this release and am willing to help
[ ] +0 I support this release but am unable to help
[ ] -0 I do not support this release
[ ] -1 I do not support this release, and here are my reasons
I have posted an updated release candidate for the Apache Directory
Server here: http://www.apache.org/~akarasulu/dist.
The binary distribution includes the full web site, including combined
as well as package-specific javadoc. The source distribution does not
include javadoc, but does include
Hi all,
Ted brought up to this list, that MyFaces would like to release
its first release inside of Apache. That would be the 1.0.8-beta.
And beeing a TLP of ASF. All infos are visible here:
However, our release is still beta, that's why we haven't passed TCK.
BTW. Geroni