--- Additional Comments From dir at lanl dot gov 2005-06-02 14:50 ---
I knew that the program would not likely run with out hitting errors. It
compiles and runs correctly using several different FORTRANS including Absoft
and Lahey , but it needs options like "-fno-automatic -finit-local-z
--- Additional Comments From fxcoudert at gcc dot gnu dot org 2005-06-02
13:40 ---
Confirm (on i386-linux) at least that part of the bug: we don't flush I/O
buffers before sending SIGABRT, but we should.
As for the other part of the bug, you still have options 2 and 3.
--- Additional Comments From dir at lanl dot gov 2005-06-02 13:31 ---
As gdb mostly does not work on the Macintosh (as I reported - Bug 20112) - I did
not think to try it. In this case it showed that abort does not dump the file io
buffers on the Macintosh - that is why there was no clue
What|Removed |Added
CC||fxcoudert at gcc dot gnu dot
--- Additional Comments From fxcoudert at gcc dot gnu dot org 2005-06-01
12:48 ---
A few things you can do:
1. Run this program inside gdb: Compile all files with "-g" flag, then run
"gdb ./myprogram" and enter the command "run"). When program aborts, signal
should be caught by gdb an
--- Additional Comments From dir at lanl dot gov 2005-05-31 12:54 ---
It is 60,000 line program, including the 3 small libraries, that executes in two
steps - a bit long to post.
--- Additional Comments From pinskia at gcc dot gnu dot org 2005-05-27
22:08 ---
(In reply to comment #1)
> Unless you can show us your code, the're not much we can do. Especially since
> there is no occurence of "Abort" (case respected) in the libgfortran code!
Abort just comes from ca
--- Additional Comments From fxcoudert at gcc dot gnu dot org 2005-05-27
22:05 ---
Unless you can show us your code, the're not much we can do. Especially since
there is no occurence of "Abort" (case respected) in the libgfortran code!