I've just upgraded to Fedora Core 5 (kernel 2.6.15-1.2054_FC5) and with the
program below I get results which didn't occur before (Fedora Core 3). I
posted them to [EMAIL PROTECTED] but I think something is up with GCC
4.1.0. I no longer have Core 3 so I've compared output with Mandrake. These
> They've been optimized away. Not surprising, since they are unused,
> although slightly surprising that it happened with -O0.
The manual says:
Do not optimize. This is the default.
so that seems to be a documentation bug at least. More generally, it seems
odd to force an op
Emacs 22.1 has a graphical interface to Gdb which allows the display of
watch expressions in the Speedbar.
Using variable objects, if I display a watch expression for an STL container
in a program compiled with gcc, e.g.,
vector v (3);
v[0] = 1;
v[1] = 11;
v[2] = 22;
in the Speedbar, I
> > I would say they are pretty stable, because we have a stable ABI which
> > we are not going to break until C++0x: that means we can only implement
> > limited span changes, we cannot add data members, for example neither
> > change the memory layout of the classes.
Probably an ignorant que