Hi I want to extract the complete AST-tree from GCC (using 4.1.2).
I´ve tried to use -fdump-translation-unit but it seems like its dosent
include information in ex. for and if statements. If i use
-fdump-tree-orignal-raw i get each function but not the external variables
if they are not used in the
Diego what do you mean by the IL ?
-fdump-tree-gimple-raw dosent include global variable that are not used i
I need something like -fdump-translation-unit that dosent cut the body of
the function.
>Debugging dumps are always incomplete. Mostly by design, but in
>general becaus
Hi I have a question regarding gcc or g++ -fdump-tree-all-raw-details (.tu
file). I want to dump the entire C (not C++) AST tree the only way to do
this, without losing any information, is if I use g++ and
-fdump-tree-all-raw-details and i have some kind of error in the file. Can
I in some way cha