Are you still responding to me? Your response reads like a thinly veiled
threat. Angry friends on a jihad? Sounds serious.
On Tue, Mar 30, 2021, 7:14 PM Christopher Dimech wrote:
> I have some friends in this movement who have been getting rather angry
> recently. There is a lot of anger in t
> > Of computer science graduates I have encountered over the last decade, I
> > know few who started their journey with gcc and they were all in the
> > initial part of the decade. In recent years I don't think I encountered
> > any student who works on gcc; many even start with the assumption
> > I think the key difference here is that Autotools allows arbitrarily
> generated code to be executed at any time. More modern build systems
> require the use of specific commands/files to run arbitrary code, e.g.
> CMake (IIRC [`execute_process()`][2] and [`ExternalProject`][3]), Meson