> The original intention was that CGEN would eventually be able to
> generate the MD file for GCC. When I last used CGEN 2 years ago, it
> was not able to do that at the time, and I suspect the problem is
> very complex for real machines [...]
There exists a CGEN/SID
20, 2005 5:43 PM
To: Meissner, Michael
Subject: RE: porting gcc/binutils
Hi Michael,
first, thanks for your detailed instructions
> If your target is a regular target like a RISC platform, the CGEN system
> can be used to simplify building the instructio
> I have already stumbled over cgen on the net and skimmed the
> manual. I have noticed that it uses RTL CPU descriptions, I hope
> this code can be reused for gcc machine description file.
Nope. The only thing cgen's RTL and gcc's RTL share is the acronym.
Hi Michael,
first, thanks for your detailed instructions
> If your target is a regular target like a RISC platform, the CGEN system
> can be used to simplify building the instruction tables:
> http://sourceware.org/cgen/
I have already stumbled over cgen on the net and skimmed the manual.
us is for code
that you write.
-Original Message-
Andrija Radicevic
Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2005 6:31 PM
Subject: porting gcc/binutils
I'm trying to port gcc and binutils to a new target a
Andrija Radičević wrote:
> I'm trying to port gcc and binutils to a new target and I hoped to find
> a brief procedure on that matter on the net, but was unsuccessful. OK,
> the GCC internals is quite a resourceful document and one can learn a
> lot by examining the source tree, but It would be ver
On Dec 14, 2005, at 3:31 PM, Andrija Radičević wrote:
I'm trying to port gcc and binutils to a new target and I hoped to
a brief procedure on that matter on the net, but was unsuccessful. OK,
the GCC internals is quite a resourceful document and one can learn a
lot by examining the source
I'm trying to port gcc and binutils to a new target and I hoped to find
a brief procedure on that matter on the net, but was unsuccessful. OK,
the GCC internals is quite a resourceful document and one can learn a
lot by examining the source tree, but It would be very helpful if there
would be