Ira Rosen wrote on 01/02/07 03:44:
In the example of dynamic partitioning below (Figure 6), I don't understand
why MEM7 is not killed in line 13 and is killed in line 20 later. As far as
I understand, in line 13 'c' is in the alias set, and it's currdef is MEM7,
so it must be killed by the store
Hi Diego,
In the example of dynamic partitioning below (Figure 6), I don't understand
why MEM7 is not killed in line 13 and is killed in line 20 later. As far as
I understand, in line 13 'c' is in the alias set, and it's currdef is MEM7,
so it must be killed by the store in line 14. What am I mis
I've updated the document describing Memory SSA. The section on mixing
static and dynamic partitioning is still being implemented, so it's a
bit sparse on details and things will probably shift somewhat before I'm
Feedback welcome. Thanks.