Hi all,
I'm using GCC 4.1.2 20070626 on a server with Intel Xeon X5570.
How do I turn on the compiler option for SSE4? I've tried -msse4, -msse4.1 and
-msse4.2, but they all returned the error message cc1: error: unrecognized
command line option "-msse4.1" (for whichever option I tried).
t. Are there any other GCC compiler options I
could use that would cater my applications for 64-bit Intel CPUs?
Thank you.
Hi all,
I'm interested to know what is the difference in programming using MS Visual
C++ on Windows and using the GCC compiler on Linux, i.e. what are some of the
things I can do on Visual C++ that won't compile/run on Linux, and vice versa.
For example, I know that Windows uses the LLP64 mode