As a quick reminder, the problem that I encountered arised when trying
to compile source files that are NOT encoded with the same encoding as
the system header files. My current Linux machine uses UTF-8, but I am
trying to compile files that were created using Windows "unicode".
To ma
Hello and thank you for the reply.
I created 3 files (very simple hello world program):
hi.c: UTF-8 without BOM
hi-8.c: UTF-8 with BOM
hi-16.c: UTF-16 with BOM
I ran iconv twice for each file. Once with the -f option which
explicitly indicates the encoding, and once without the -f option to s
some setting that may or may not provide the correct information in
every case.
Ranjit Mathew wrote:
Hash: SHA1
Mike Hearn wrote:
On Mon, 24 Apr 2006 15:27:07 -0400, Nicolas De Rico wrote:
I would like to compile files created on Windows
I would like to compile files created on Windows and encoded in
"Unicode" (UTF-8 or UTF-16). Microsoft puts a little header at the
beginning of files to indicate that they are UTF-16, UTF-8, etc. I
believe that this header is standard unicode btw, not an extension!
When I try to com