Let me know or write me where to leanr more about
Best regards
Ing. Fabio Giovagnini
Aurion s.r.l.
P.I e C.F.
skype: aurion.giovagnini
Tel. +39.051.594.78.24
Cell. +39.335.83.50.919
Thanks a lot for your answer.
Following some question about your gdb remote stuff.
Alle 02:12, domenica 4 marzo 2007, Michael Eager ha scritto:
> Fabio Giovagnini wrote:
> > Thanks for the answer.
> > I go deeper in my thought so that maybe you can give me more infos about
Where could I find any toturial about?
Could you suggest me how to start? I'm a newby in this.
Thanks a lot
Alle 22:30, sabato 3 marzo 2007, Richard Guenther ha scritto:
> On 3/3/07, Fabio Giovagnini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Thanks for the answer.
> > I go de
the offset of
each field. Is it possible?
Where can I read more about to use gdb for embedded development with very poor
Alle 21:28, sabato 3 marzo 2007, Dave Korn ha scritto:
> On 03 March 2007 20:15, Fabio Giovagnini wrote:
> > Hi all,
> > I'd like to
of an
embedded system only knowing the map file and the offset of each member of
each global variable.
I suppose to do this could be usefully used the tree structure of gcc.
Is it?
If yes where could I find a tutorial to use the internals of gcc?
Thanks a lot
Fabio Giovagnini
Aurion s.r.l.