messages in objective-C

2007-02-17 Thread Come Lonfils
Hello, I've already asked some questions about the messages in objective-c. But I still not understand all. When a program is running, and I send a message to an object, how is it done in gcc to sent this message to the good object and to execute the good method. Which structures are used to d

messages in objective-C

2006-12-06 Thread Come Lonfils
Hi, I'm trying to know more about how messages are send to the objects in objective-C, how they are store,... In which structures en how? Where should I look in the source code of gcc to know it? I looked in libobjc but I'm a bit lost. Thanks very much Côme Lonfils

Objects in c++ and objc

2006-11-28 Thread Come Lonfils
Hi, I need precise information about how GCC store the objects for c++ and objective-C. I'm trying to know what are the difference between both. I need a very precise description of both. Do you know where I can found this information (except in gccint), books or other? Maybe it's not the best

Documentation about gcc

2006-10-02 Thread Come Lonfils
Hi, Do you know where I can have documentation for developer who begin with gcc. I want to know how work exactly gcc inside. Do you know some books or web documents which can help me? I need general documentation and more specially on how gcc compile objective-c and objective-c++. And Also about

Documentation about gcc

2006-10-02 Thread Come Lonfils
Hi, Do you know where I can have documentation for developer who begin with gcc. I want to know how work exactly gcc inside. Do you know some books or web documents which can help me? I need general documentation and more specially on how gcc compile objective-c and objective-c++. And Also about

re:Re: thesis on mix c++ and objective-c

2006-09-28 Thread Come Lonfils
>On Sep 27, 2006, at 11:58 AM, Come Lonfils wrote: >> I'm beginning a end study thesis on "mix" c++ end objective-c in gcc. >> I know there is already objective-c++ but I need all information I >> can have on the subject. What is already done and what is not

thesis on mix c++ and objective-c

2006-09-27 Thread Come Lonfils
Hi, I'm beginning a end study thesis on "mix" c++ end objective-c in gcc. I know there is already objective-c++ but I need all information I can have on the subject. What is already done and what is not (and why)? I also need documentation for people who want to "enter" in gcc and to know how