Snapshot gcc-12-20240412 is now available on
and on various mirrors, see for details.
This snapshot has been generated from the GCC 12 git branch
with the following options: git:// branch
On Fri, Apr 05 2024, Vedant5432 via Gcc wrote:
> Hello,
> I am a potential contributor for GSoC 2024, I made a submission for the
> project Extend the Static Analysis Pass, I was wondering about the process
> of ranking the proposals and the general timelines when the applicants will
> be n
On Fri, Apr 05 2024, PRANIL DEY wrote:
> Hello GCC Community,
> I am Pranil Dey and I had submitted a proposal for the project "Improve
> nothrow detection in GCC", but as the deadline period was a holiday time I
> wanted to ask you to review my proposal now.
> I am already getting familiar