On Fri, Oct 6, 2023 at 6:49 PM Jakub Svojgr via Gcc wrote:
> Hello,
> this is an extremely specific scenario - however while compiling
> computer-generated code for a fibonnacci function which looks like this:
> I32 GF_fib_I_I(I32 L_0_0)
> {
> I32 L_2_0; I32 L_5_0; I32 L_6_0;
> bb0:;
this is an extremely specific scenario - however while compiling
computer-generated code for a fibonnacci function which looks like this:
I32 GF_fib_I_I(I32 L_0_0)
I32 L_2_0; I32 L_5_0; I32 L_6_0;
bool L_0_1 = ((I32)L_0_0) == ((I32)0);
if (L_0_1)
goto bb1;
Snapshot gcc-12-20231006 is now available on
and on various mirrors, see http://gcc.gnu.org/mirrors.html for details.
This snapshot has been generated from the GCC 12 git branch
with the following options: git://gcc.gnu.org/git/gcc.git branch
Office Hours for the GNU Toolchain on October 17th at 11am EDT.
* First Office Hours and test of the meeting system.
* No specific agenda will be presented, but feel free to attend.
Meeting Link:
* https://bbb.linuxfoundation.org/room/adm-xcb-for-sk6