Snapshot gcc-9-20190504 is now available on
and on various mirrors, see for details.
This snapshot has been generated from the GCC 9 SVN branch
with the following options: svn://
On Sat, 4 May 2019 at 08:42, Andrew Roberts wrote:
> 3) Stdlibc++
It's libstdc++.
> Release notes reference parallel algorithms requiring TBB 2018 or newer,
> again guess work suggests this is Thread Building Blocks. It would be
> nice to explicitly say that, and provide links to implementations.
Taking the notes from Joseph under consideration, I have developed a
fairly working patch for roundeven, attached herewith.
I have done bit-wise calculations to check for halfway cases, though
HOST_WIDE_INT is only used to check for even and odd numbers (or is it
necessary to do bit-wise for
> On 4 May 2019, at 03:41, Andrew Roberts wrote:
> looking at the changes for configuration in gcc 9.1, I noticed:
> 1) New configure options
> OTOOL/OTOOL_FOR_TARGET: Which I assume from google is the Darwin ldd
> replacement
It’s actually the Darwin equivalent for many of the faciliti
On Sat, May 4, 2019 at 12:42 AM Andrew Roberts wrote:
> Hello,
> looking at the changes for configuration in gcc 9.1, I noticed:
> 1) New configure options
> OTOOL/OTOOL_FOR_TARGET: Which I assume from google is the Darwin ldd
> replacement
> GDC_FOR_TARGET: Which with a bit of guess wor
looking at the changes for configuration in gcc 9.1, I noticed:
1) New configure options
OTOOL/OTOOL_FOR_TARGET: Which I assume from google is the Darwin ldd
GDC_FOR_TARGET: Which with a bit of guess work I assume is the
Is this stuff documented anywhere?