Snapshot gcc-5-20170228 is now available on
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This snapshot has been generated from the GCC 5 SVN branch
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On 28/02/17 06:38, Eyal Itkin wrote:
> However, in signed integers, the logical meaning of any relation check
> is only the theoretical meaning of the order relation between the
> numbers in the group Z. Meaning that in a purely theoretical manner "a
> + b < c" is a relation order that is equivalen
On 2017/2/28 14:38, Eyal Itkin wrote:
I wanted to ask a question regarding the compilation of code samples
like the following:
int a = fetch_value();
int b = fetch_value();
if ( c - b < a)
pass_value(a + b);
return a + b;
The value "a + b" is