Snapshot gcc-5-20150125 is now available on
and on various mirrors, see for details.
This snapshot has been generated from the GCC 5 SVN branch
with the following options: svn:// revision
On 1/22/2015 1:23 PM, Joseph Myers wrote:
On Thu, 22 Jan 2015, Jeff Law wrote:
Inline: Defining inline functions (as fast as macros).
Doesn't seem to belong here.
Given that inline isn't really an extension anymore, one could argue this
isn't relevant anymore.
Well, we need to documen
> H, looking at your list, I think it is better to leave things that
> are hard to categorize where they are, as top-level sections within the
> chapter, rather than trying to group them arbitrarily with other things
> that are hard to categorize; the latter only makes things things harder
> t
On Sunday 2015-01-25 20:04, Leonid Yuriev wrote:
> s/GCC 5 Stage 4 (starts 2014-01-17)/GCC 5 Stage 4 (starts 2015-01-17)/
Thanks for reporting this, Leonid.
I just applied the obvious patch below.
Index: develop.html
s/GCC 5 Stage 4 (starts 2014-01-17)/GCC 5 Stage 4 (starts 2015-01-17)/
Please, fix this.
Hello All:
Looks like Live range splitting and rematerialization are connected to each
other. If the boundary of Live range
Splitting is in the high frequency of the region then the move connected to
splitted live ranges are inside the
High frequency region which is the performance bottleneck f