Re: extern variable

2009-08-02 Thread sumanth
Jim, If I define USER_LABEL_PREFIX "" and declare a global variable using names r0/r1...r15 ( my register names ) , my assembler is generating an error message saying " r0 is already defined , cannot use register in expression " How can i make sure my tool chain knows the

gcc-4.3-20090802 is now available

2009-08-02 Thread gccadmin
Snapshot gcc-4.3-20090802 is now available on and on various mirrors, see for details. This snapshot has been generated from the GCC 4.3 SVN branch with the following options: svn://

Re: Xilinx MicroBlaze port

2009-08-02 Thread Michael Eager
Gerald Pfeifer wrote: On Sun, 2 Aug 2009, Michael Eager wrote: Created Here is the update to svn.html: Looks good to me, you just may want to add a closing . Checked in with . -- Michael 1960 Park Blvd., Palo Alto, CA 943

Re: Xilinx MicroBlaze port

2009-08-02 Thread Gerald Pfeifer
On Sun, 2 Aug 2009, Michael Eager wrote: > Created Here is the update > to svn.html: Looks good to me, you just may want to add a closing . Thanks, Gerald

Re: Xilinx MicroBlaze port

2009-08-02 Thread Michael Eager
Gerald Pfeifer wrote: On Sat, 1 Aug 2009, Michael Eager wrote: Paolo Bonzini suggested that I create a branch off the gcc-4.1.2 tag and commit the original port to this branch. Then move this branch up to 4.3.x and then head. OK to create a microblaze branch? If you have write access to the r

Re: compiling libgomp separately

2009-08-02 Thread Jim Wilson
On 08/01/2009 04:28 AM, Robert Oeffner wrote: I'm trying to port GCC 4.4.0 to interix. I have some issues with libgomp. To save time rather than bootstrapping GCC each time I make a change I would like to compile libgomp separately to make my amendments take effect. Configure with --disable-boo

Re: extern variable

2009-08-02 Thread Jim Wilson
On 07/30/2009 07:38 AM, sumanth wrote: How can I make sure the debugging information printed by my compiler for extern variables is correct. I am able to print them in gdb in with an _ (underscore). I am using Gcc-4.3.4 and gdb 5.3 ELF targets usually don't prepend an underscore to symbol names

Re: MELT tutorial on the wiki

2009-08-02 Thread Paolo Bonzini
Tom> I looked into this a little. It looks like the PPL checks don't work Tom> properly in the case where PPL is a system library. I guess I need Tom> --with-ppl=/usr ... I will try that later. I don"t know really how to fix that quickly! I must confess that autoconf related files in GCC scare