Hello Bernardo,
sorry if this is not an official mirror of the GCC tree, but
has not been updated since
June 1. Any chance you (or whoever is responsible) could look into it?
This is the beta release of binutils for Linux, which is
based on binutils 2009 0606 in CVS on sourceware.org plus various
changes. It is purely for Linux.
All relevant patches in patches have been applied to the source tree.
You can take a look at patches/README to see what have been
Why are you migrating to 3.4.6 now, instead of to a current version?
If you want to include this in mainline some day, then eventually it
has to be caught up - and 3.4.6 is older than it may appear from the
release date, since it branched off of mainline five years ago. A lot
has changed since th
> So if I understand the above right then VTA is a new source of
> code-generation differences with -g vs. -g0. A possibly quite
> bad one (compared to what we have now).
IIUC it's a paradigm shift: currently the absence of differences in the
generated code is guaranteed by the absence of differ