DImode is aligned at 8 byte in i386. Since 32bit doesn't have
64bit register, can we align DImode at 4byte instead of 8
for i386? It shouldn't have any negative impact on performance.
> That decimal number is the index number of the post in the list archive.
> You can get the mailer daemon to re-send you a copy of the original post by
> sending a blank email to "gcc-get.DECIMALNUMBER" at gcc dot gnu dot
> org.
Will the message returned by the mailing list processor still cont
On 02 February 2008 15:39, Rodrigo Dominguez wrote:
>> I'm assuming that he meant an older message for which his only copy is
>> in the mailing list archives. In that case, he would have to use the
>> mailer daemon message request feature.
> Exactly!
> What do you mean by the "mailer d
On Tue, 29 Jan 2008, Doug Gregor wrote:
> Okay, done.
Thanks! I added the minor patch below on top.
Index: svn.html
RCS file: /cvs/gcc/wwwdocs/htdocs/svn.html,v
retrieving revision 1.75
diff -u -3 -p -r1.75 svn.html
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