[FD] Komento Joomla! component Persistent XSS

2015-10-05 Thread David Sopas
CVE Reference: CVE-2015-7324 Original advisory: https://www.davidsopas.com/komento-joomla-component-persistent-xss/ Author: David Sopas @dsopas Komento is a Joomla! comment extension for articles and blogs in K2, EasyBlog, ZOO, Flexicontent, VirtueMart and redShop. @http://stackideas.com/komento

[FD] Charter Spectrum Business HTTP MITM

2015-10-05 Thread Mark Felder
Hello, You probably don't need to be told otherwise, but do not trust Charter (or any ISP) with your HTTP traffic even if you're paying for a business connection and expect internet without tampering or analysis. I recently started receiving redirects to a Terms & Conditions page on IPv4 HTTP traf

[FD] Sicherheitslücke - Liferay Portal Enterprise Edition

2015-10-05 Thread Tim Schughart
Hey guys, during a penatrationtest I have found an unknown persistent xss in liferay portal backend. ## #General Information# ## Manufacture description: Liferay Portal is an enterprise-web-platform for the development of business solutions, which provides quic

[FD] ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus <= 9.1 build 9110 - Path Traversal

2015-10-05 Thread xistence
Exploit Title: ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus <= 9.1 build 9110 - Path Traversal Product: ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus Vulnerable Versions: 9.1 build 9110 and previous versions Tested Version: 9.1 build 9110 (Windows) Advisory Publication: 03/10/2015 Vulnerability Type: Unauthenticated Path Travers

[FD] Watch your Downloads: the risk of the "auto-download" feature on Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome

2015-10-05 Thread Haifei Li
This is a copied version of my blog post, original version http://justhaifei1.blogspot.com/2015/10/watch-your-downloads-risk-of-auto.html.Probably it's commonly known that when you try to download something on your modern browser e.g. Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge, the file will be downl

[FD] Qualys Security Advisory - OpenSMTPD Audit Report

2015-10-05 Thread Qualys Security Advisory
(Sorry for the "CVE-2015-ABCD" place-holders in the report, but OpenSMTPD's developers were ready with the patches before MITRE was ready with the CVE-IDs.) Qualys Security Advisory OpenSMTPD Audit Report Contents ===

[FD] CVE-2015-6237 - Tripwire IP360 VnE Remote Administrative API Authentication Bypass/Privilege Acquisition Vulnerability

2015-10-05 Thread Specto
Document Title Tripwire IP360 VnE Remote Administrative API Authentication Bypass/Privilege Acquisition Vulnerability Affected Products === Vendor: Tripwire Software/Appliance: IP360 VnE Vulnerability Manager Affected (verified) versions: v7.2.2 -> v7.2.5 CVE ==

Re: [FD] Telegram - Multiple Vulnerabilities

2015-10-05 Thread Uni Sec
Could you be a little more clear with the process for number 5, the account hijack and contact import? Isn't intercepting the 5-digit code sufficient to gain account takeover? -J > Date: Tue, 29 Sep 2015 18:53:52 -0300 > From: edu...@gmail.com > To: fulldisclosure@seclists.org > Subject: [FD] Tel

[FD] Apple Safari URI spoofing (CVE-2015-5764)

2015-10-05 Thread Antonio Sanso
tl;dr Apple Safari for OS X was prone to URI spoofing vulnerability (and more general a user interface spoofing). Apple released security updates for Safari 9 on OS X and assigned CVE-2015-5764. Accidentally this vulnerability was also present in iOS. Ins

[FD] WinRar Settings Import Command Execution

2015-10-05 Thread Rio Sherri
#!/usr/bin/python -w # Title : WinRar Settings Import Command Execution # Date : 02/10/2015 # Author : R-73eN # Tested on : Windows 7 Ultimate # Vulnerable Versions : Winrar < 5.30 beta 4 # The vulnerability exists in the "Import Settings From File" function. # Since Settings file of Winrar

[FD] Persistent XSS - Liferay Portal Enterprise Edition

2015-10-05 Thread Tim Schughart
Hey guys, during a penatrationtest I have found an unknown persistent xss in liferay portal backend. ## #General Information# ## Manufacture description: Liferay Portal is an enterprise-web-platform for the development of business solutions, which provides quic

Re: [FD] WinRAR SFX v5.21 - Remote Code Execution Vulnerability

2015-10-05 Thread Hernan Moller
In fact, a SXF file type can only try to access a specific URL (server's attacker). Then the attacker exploits a Microsoft's vulnerability (ms14-064). The WinRAR file doesn't allow RCE by itself. -- Hernán Möller http://nivel4.com 2015-09-28 5:39 GMT-03:00 Gynvael Coldwind : > Correct me if I

[FD] Blind SQL Injection in admin panel PHP-Fusion <= v7.02.07

2015-10-05 Thread Manuel Garcia Cardenas
= MGC ALERT 2015-002 - Original release date: September 18, 2015 - Last revised: October 05, 2015 - Discovered by: Manuel García Cárdenas - Severity: 7,1/10 (CVSS Base Score) = I. VULNERABILITY ---

Re: [FD] Watch your Downloads: the risk of the "auto-download" feature on Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome

2015-10-05 Thread Lee
Haifei Li, changing the default behavior to open a window asking the user where to save the file would change nothing. A "normal user" would just click the "save" button to save the file in the default folder. I also don't think it should be the browser's responsibility to look for potential mali

[FD] u-design wordpress theme DOM XSS

2015-10-05 Thread Kenan Gms
u-desing is a wordpress theme prone to DOM XSS vulnerability. Vendor url: http://themeforest.net/item/udesign-responsive-wordpress-theme/253220 versions between 2.7.9 – (Updated: 08.05.2015) and 2.3.0 – (Updated: 04.02.2014 - there are 40 of them) are vulnerable to DOM XSS which can be exploited

[FD] DDos Attack To Drop The Internet

2015-10-05 Thread Jeffrey Roberts
If you were to have a botnet which were to flood random DNS queries for domains that did not exist to the list of DNS servers hosted on http://public-dns.tk/nameservers-all.txt then the root dns servers and the tld dns servers would be overwhelmed without any way to filter the packets, if they were

Re: [FD] Watch your Downloads: the risk of the "auto-download" feature on Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome

2015-10-05 Thread Stefan Kanthak
"Haifei Li" wrote: > This is a copied version of my blog post, original version > http://justhaifei1.blogspot.com/2015/10/watch-your-downloads-risk-of-auto.html. > Probably it's commonly known that when you try to download > something on your modern browser e.g. Google Chrome or > Microsoft Edge,

Re: [FD] WinRAR SFX v5.21 - Remote Code Execution Vulnerability

2015-10-05 Thread Stefan Kanthak
"Gynvael Coldwind" wrote: > Correct me if I'm wrong, but the vulnerability can be summarized as: if you > run an untrusted .exe you might execute malicious code? Amen! > I hardly see this as giving anything new to the attacker who can just > create a malicious exe file, set the winrar sfx icon