[FD] AMD's buddies for Intel's FDIV bug: _llrem and _ullrem yield wrong remainders!

2017-12-01 Thread Stefan Kanthak
Hi @ll, at least after Intel's infamous FDIV bug, everybody who uses (or programs) computers should know that (floating point) division is hard to implement right.-) But what about integer division and integer modulus/remainder? Starting at least in 1999, and at least until 2011, AMD, Intel's co

[FD] APPLE-SA-2017-11-29-2 Security Update 2017-001

2017-12-01 Thread Apple Product Security
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA512 APPLE-SA-2017-11-29-2 Security Update 2017-001 Security Update 2017-001 is now available and addresses the following: Directory Utility Available for: macOS High Sierra 10.13 and macOS High Sierra 10.13.1 Not impacted: macOS Sierra 10.12.6 and earl

[FD] APPLE-SA-2017-11-29-1 Security Update 2017-001

2017-12-01 Thread Apple Product Security
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA512 APPLE-SA-2017-11-29-1 Security Update 2017-001 Security Update 2017-001 is now available and addresses the following: Directory Utility Available for: macOS High Sierra 10.13.1 Not impacted: macOS Sierra 10.12.6 and earlier Impact: An attacker may

[FD] ZKTime Web Software CVE-2017-17057 Cross Site Scripting

2017-12-01 Thread Himanshu Mehta
*1. Introduction* Vendor:ZKTeco Affected Product: ZKTime Web - Fixed in: Vendor Website:https://www.zkteco.com/product/ZKTime_Web_2.0_435.html Vulnerability Type:Reflected XSS Remote Exploitable:Yes CVE: CVE-2017-17057 *2. Overview

[FD] ZKTime Web Software CVE-2017-17056 Cross Site Request Forgery

2017-12-01 Thread Himanshu Mehta
*1. Introduction* Vendor:ZKTeco Affected Product: ZKTime Web - Fixed in: Vendor Website:https://www.zkteco.com/product/ZKTime_Web_2.0_435.html Vulnerability Type:Cross Site Request Forgery Remote Exploitable:Yes CVE: CVE-2017-17056

[FD] Axis Communications MPQT/PACS Heap Overflow and Information Leakage

2017-12-01 Thread bashis
[STX] Subject: Axis Communications MPQT/PACS Heap Overflow and Information Leakage. Attack vector: Remote Authentication: Anonymous (no credentials needed) Researcher: bashis (August 2017) PoC: https://github.com/mcw0/PoC Release date: December 1, 2017 Full Disclosure: 90 days (due to the large

[FD] Symantec Encryption Desktop & Endpoint Encryption Local Privilege Escalation - Exploiting an Arbitrary Hard Disk Read/Write Vulnerability Over NTFS

2017-12-01 Thread Kyriakos Economou
Note: These vulnerabilities remain unpatched at the point of publication. We have been working with Symantec to try and help them to fix this since our initial private disclosure in July 2017 (full timeline at the end of this article), however no patch has yet been released. Consequently, we

[FD] aws-cfn-bootstrap local code execution as root [CVE-2017-9450]

2017-12-01 Thread Harry Sintonen
aws-cfn-bootstrap local code execution as root == The latest version of this advisory is available at: https://sintonen.fi/advisories/aws-cfn-bootstrap-local-code-execution-as-root.txt Overview AWS EC2 instances deployed with the AWS CloudFo

[FD] Announcing NorthSec 2018 CFP + Reg - Montreal, May 14-20

2017-12-01 Thread Pierre-David Oriol - Northsec Conference
www.nsec.io - northsec.eventbrite.ca NorthSec 2018, one of the biggest applied security events in Canada, is coming up in Montreal May 2018. May 14-15-16 - Profesional Training Sessions - Syllabus Announced Soon May 17-18- Security Conference & Workshops May 18-19-20 - The biggest 48H on-site

[FD] Abyss Web Server < v2.11.6 Memory Heap Corruption

2017-12-01 Thread hyp3rlinx
[+] Credits: John Page (aka HyP3rlinX) [+] Website: hyp3rlinx.altervista.org [+] Source: http://hyp3rlinx.altervista.org/advisories/ABYSS-WEB-SERVER-MEMORY-HEAP-CORRUPTION.txt [+] ISR: ApparitionSec Vendor: ==aprelium.com Product: === Abyss Web Server < v2.11.6

[FD] Artica Web Proxy v3.06 Remote Code Execution / CVE-2017-17055

2017-12-01 Thread hyp3rlinx
[+] Credits: John Page (aka Hyp3rlinX) [+] Website: hyp3rlinx.altervista.org [+] Source: http://hyp3rlinx.altervista.org/advisories/ARTICA-WEB-PROXY-v3.06-REMOTE-CODE-EXECUTION-CVE-2017-17055.txt [+] ISR: ApparitionSec Vendor: ===www.articatech.com Product: = Artica We

[FD] Mist Server v2.12 Unauthenticated Persistent XSS CVE-2017-16884

2017-12-01 Thread hyp3rlinx
[+] Credits: John Page (aka Hyp3rlinX) [+] Website: hyp3rlinx.altervista.org [+] Source: http://hyp3rlinx.altervista.org/advisories/MIST-SERVER-v2.12-UNAUTHENTICATED-PERSISTENT-XSS-CVE-2017-16884.txt [+] ISR: ApparitionSec Vendor: =mistserver.org Product: === M

[FD] AST-2017-013: DOS Vulnerability in Asterisk chan_skinny

2017-12-01 Thread Asterisk Security Team
Asterisk Project Security Advisory - AST-2017-013 Product Asterisk Summary DOS Vulnerability in Asterisk chan_skinny Nature of Advisory Denial of Service

[FD] :

2017-12-01 Thread Asterisk Security Team
The Asterisk Development Team has announced security releases for Certified Asterisk 13.13 and Asterisk 13, 14 and 15. The available security releases are released as versions 13.13-cert8, 13.18.3, 14.7.3 and 15.1.3. These releases are available for immediate download at http://downloads.asterisk