[Freesurfer] multiple overlay - tksurfer

2011-12-11 Thread vin .
old based on intensity / only voxels which are overlaid by atleast half of the subjects ?? >tksurfer #Sub_ID lh inflated -annot aparc.annot -ov 1.nii -ovreg register.dat -fthresh 0.3 -fmid 0.3 -fslope 1 - How I can overlay multiple regions, in specific colours, with 50% thr. ? , Than

Re: [Freesurfer] multiple overlay - tksurfer

2011-12-13 Thread vin .
HOME/**FreeSurferColorLUT.txt. > You list your regions and give them the colors you want. > > doug > > vin . wrote: > >> Hi Doug, >> sorry for confusing names. >> >> - 1.nii is name of the cluster, which I want to overlay. it's a >> coritical

Re: [Freesurfer] multiple overlay - tksurfer

2011-12-13 Thread vin .
Thanx Bruce for quick reply. you are right, it's surface based file after mri_vol2surf. yeah, tried with following command. >tksurfer Sub_ID lh inflated -annot lh.seg.annot -ov lh.seg.mgh -fthresh 0.01 -fmid 0.3 -fslope 1 On Wed, Dec 14, 2011 at 3:33 AM, Bruce Fischl wrote: > Hi

Re: [Freesurfer] multiple overlay - tksurfer

2011-12-13 Thread vin .
no, in tksurfer, just inflated lh appears (no overlay). so, I viewed lh.seg.mgh in freeview and converted it to .nii and viewed in fslview. On Wed, Dec 14, 2011 at 3:37 AM, Bruce Fischl wrote: > oh, so you mean you see a line on the surface? > > On Wed, 14 Dec 2011, vin . wrote: &

[Freesurfer] segmentation region export

2008-11-04 Thread vin
...Mid anterior and Anterior. How I can get these sub regions. In which files they are stored, and How I can extract them as NIFTI format. any suggestion would be great !! thank you very much , vin ___ Freesurfer mailing list Freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu

Re: [Freesurfer] segmentation region export

2008-11-10 Thread vin
nErode3d 0 nErode2d 0 output thalamus_nuclei_fs.nii Binarizing based on matching values nMatch 1 0 8001 binval1 binvalnot 0 Found 0 values in range mri_binarize done should I choose some other file expect aseg.nii.gz ? to get thalamic nuclie . thank you very much

Re: [Freesurfer] segmentation region export

2008-11-10 Thread vin
o get these regions. regards, vin On Tue, Nov 11, 2008 at 12:37 AM, Bruce Fischl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote: no, the aparc+aseg.mgz has some as does the wmparc.mgz. You should send these questions to the list so Doug, Nick et al. can answer > > >> On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 11:46 PM,

[Freesurfer] Re: free surfer error

2008-08-22 Thread vin
hi, i am new to freesurfer. I tried reconstruction three times, autorecon1 works fine, but autorecon2 gives same error. *recon-all -autorecon1 -subjid your_subject_name % worked fine. :) **recon-all -autorecon2 -subjid your_subject_name* % this gives following error came in 11/ 12 hours. e

[Freesurfer] exporting label/segmented regions in diffusion space

2008-09-11 Thread vin
understand registeration( diffusion to freesurfer image) and than take the segmented regions and convert them in NIFTI format for example for FSL probtrack. Thank you, vin ___ Freesurfer mailing list Freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu https

[Freesurfer] Thalamus Anatomy and Connectomics Conference (October 30 – 31 in Tübingen)

2023-08-25 Thread vin
External Email - Use Caution Dear Esteemed Researchers, Greetings! We are thrilled to invite you to the upcoming Thalamus Anatomy and Connectomics Conference, funded by the SPP-2041. The conference aims to dive deep into the fascinating and intricate thalamus. This event promises

[Freesurfer] MICCAI Workshop on Machine Learning in Clinical NeuroImaging: Paper Submissions

2023-05-25 Thread Vin
External Email - Use Caution Dear Researchers! We are excited to announce that the paper submissions for the #MICCAI Workshop on Machine Learning in Clinical NeuroImaging are now open! This workshop aims to bring together experts from the fields of machine learning and clinical

[Freesurfer] Freeview Crashes!!

2017-11-10 Thread vin rasa
Dear FS Experts, While using updated Freeview in ubuntu 16.04, I reproducibly get two following errors: 1st Crash (While selecting color for the volume): Volume - Colormap -Lookup Table option: 0�freeview.bin: symbol lookup error: freeview.bin: undefined symbol: _ZN6QMutex12lockInternalEv 2nd

[Freesurfer] fs on GPU? Segmentation fault error!

2019-02-06 Thread vin rasa
External Email - Use Caution Freesurfer Wizards, Any thoughts on this? Thanks in advance ## *I renamed:* /usr/local/cuda-8.0/lib64$ sudo cp libcudart.so.8.0 libcudart.so.5.0 *in the next step:* recon-all -i $sub_dir/$i/"$i".nii -all -sd $output_dir $i -use-gpu . . Testing for CUD

[Freesurfer] mni152reg ends with (ERROR: flirt)

2019-05-13 Thread vin rasa
External Email - Use Caution Dear Freesurfer Experts! The idea is to transform freesurfer output in to the MNI 1mm space using following command: mni152reg --s subject_id --1 But mni152reg crashes with following error: flirt.newdefault.20080811.sch terminate called after throwi

[Freesurfer] Error running recon-all

2019-07-24 Thread vin rasa
External Email - Use Caution Dear Freesurfer experts, Greetings! In the first minute of recon-all, we are getting following error: mghRead(/media/results/mri/rawavg.mgz): could not read 262144 bytes at slice 0 T1 data type is int16, data type 4 (looked using fslinfo) Looking

Re: [Freesurfer] Error running recon-all

2019-07-25 Thread vin rasa
External Email - Use Caution Please also find recon-all.log file. Thanks! On Thu, Jul 25, 2019 at 6:50 AM vin rasa wrote: > Dear Freesurfer experts, > Greetings! > > > In the first minute of recon-all, we are getting following error: > > mghRead(/media/r

[Freesurfer] Extract ThickAvg ThickStd from rh/lh.aparc.stats of a specific structure for group of subjects

2019-09-14 Thread vin rasa
External Email - Use Caution Dear Freesurfer experts, Is there a shortcut to extract mean thickness(ThickAvg) and std (ThickStd) from rh/lh.aparc.stats for let's say 4 structures only. I found aparcstats2table command, which seems to extract all the segmented regions. https://sur

[Freesurfer] recon-all ends in 4 seconds without error!!

2021-08-25 Thread vin rasa
External Email - Use Caution Dear Freesurfer Experts, Greetings! I am trying to run freesurfer on Synthetic T1 data (see in snapshot: *''Simulated T1 image', last sentence in the snapshot*') from Brainweb ( https://secure-web.cisco.com/1M8y2jTKqcaZLr3pWIX9ajloxBQ00by9kyM5AmTJvStE6

Re: [Freesurfer] recon-all ends in 4 seconds without error!!

2021-08-25 Thread vin rasa
5DVJ6nRs2V4QwQZXulUxg2M2_GqOROHWi-TB9KyiBcPWmc4JGUIhhIGtJ6o3uCFNb6kCnhApPYc-Y4O-LPm1SacVHfhu2Ed2QzkGUtwgxu8u5MqaBpajJz7zSqpwpiURhxidPnsAAQhOMyMO5-qsvqwIExnTA9maNlw/http%3A%2F%2Fwww.jeiglesias.com > > On Aug 25, 2021, at 12:04, vin rasa wrote: > > External Email - Use Caution > > Dear Free