[Freesurfer] Problem with .stats files for aparcstats2table

2011-12-07 Thread tenny
Hi All, I apologize if this is a simple fix, I am very very new to freesurfer. I am trying to combine the ?h.aparc.stats of a number of subjects into a table file that I can load into excel. I have run the following: "aparcstats2table --hemi lh --subjects 01_bay6 02_bay6 --meas thickness --table

Re: [Freesurfer] Problem with .stats files for aparcstats2table

2011-12-09 Thread tenny
Hi Krish! Thanks for the reply, I was actually able to solve the problem with a general stats2table script provided here by Jamaan Alghamdi: http://www.easyneuroimaging.com/2011/03/using-bash-script-to-convert-freesurfer_17.html Best, Rob > > > Hi Tenny > > That's