Hi, freesurfer experts,
I have a question about how to convert a segmented hippocampal subfield
file into a ROI.
After -hippo-subfields processing using recon-all command, I have got
several files named posterior_left/right_**.mgz. And the segmented volume
just coverd a small area in subject's wh
Hi, FreeSurfer and VBM experts
I'm a newer in the field, and not sure if this question is relevant to the
list - any help will be appreciated.
I am wondering about the difference between the data of FS and that of VBM
in SPM. After searching in Google, I find a topic following, url:
Hi all:
Recently, I have a question about some details of the function
make_average_subject, which creates some average surfaces and volumes based
on the specified subjects' files.
And I'm wondering how it make an average one.
In my opinion, every specified subject's volume and surface register to
ed at the same time. This can be used as a registration target.
> doug
> On 3/31/11 9:03 PM, soft.join Huang wrote:
> Thanks for your reply, Douglas.
> I also have something unclear, that which target is used when we register
> one subject's surface to a 'tem
Hi all,
I'm working on a group analysis using mri_glmfit.
In analysis directory, I got a X.mat file which containing the matrix X (
size 50x4 ) used to regress analysis, also the beta value from beta.mgh
Strangely, I loaded the X.mat in Matlab and recalculated the beta using
function regres
Thanks for your reply.
I recalculated the beta value and got the same results as the Matlab does,
but be different from the mri_glmfit's. I can not figure out where the
problem is.
Details following:
I use the command
mri_glmfit --table lh.volume.txt --fsgd volume.gender.fsgd
ore similar results.
> doug
> soft.join Huang wrote:
>> Doug,
>> Thanks for your reply.
>> I recalculated the beta value and got the same results as the Matlab does,
>> but be different from the mri_glmfit's. I can not figure out where th
h your data and it works.
> doug
> soft.join Huang wrote:
>> Hi, doug.
>> Thanks for your suggestion, but it does not seem to work.
>> After having divided the ICV by 1e6, I reculated the betas, and got the
>> similar results as before in M
Hi doug,
I read your instructions on how to make an average subject, it looks quite
But I still have two questions about the procedure.
1. During the processing, every subject's surface need to register to a
common target, and where the target comes from, it is an existed template in
Hi all,
I have a question about the coords of vertex in ?h.white file.
I load the ?h.white file in Matlab and get a variable called vertex_coords,
and I'm wondering what kind of coords they are, MNI or something else?
Also how can I get the MNI coords of the vertex?
Thank in advance,
Best Regard
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