Hello experts,
I am using rebuild_gca_atlas.csh,v 1.22 2011/03/02 20:16:39. I am trying to
create a atlas using previous registered subjects.
It does not complete the mri_ca_normalize phase and stops there. It shows
pbsubmit: Command not found as error.
Please correct me. Also attaching the rebuil
Hi experts,
I am trying to convert dicom images namely 00A0,00A1,00A2 [ No
file extension ] etc. These are generated by Philips machine. I used
dcm2nii, it does not give correct result. It gives warning : this software
will only convert the first slice of this multislice lossless compr
Please tell how to use dcmunpack. Any help converting dicom to nii.
On Jan 27, 2015 9:03 PM, "Douglas Greve" wrote:
> Hi Pradeep, I don't think that we can convert that either. Sorry.
> doug
> On 1/27/15 7:18 AM, pradeep mahato wrote:
> Hi expert
Hi Roberto,
I had the same problem, you need to re run the recon process using
recon-all -s -cortribbon.
Hope it helps
On Fri, Feb 6, 2015 at 6:37 PM, Roberto Medeiros de Souza <
roberto.medeiros.so...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm knew to FreeSurfer. I am using the stable v5.3 and
I need to extract Hippocampus from brain mri image. The recon-all process
takes more than 30 hours to reconstruct from an single image. I am having
an dataset of 200 subjects, it is not feasible to run the recon process for
all individual brain mri images.
Is there any method to possibly g
As the complete recon process takes huge time for a single image, is it
possible to register the MRI image using a simple atlas. If yes, please
explain how to do it.
My primary goal is to extract hippocampus in a fastest possible way.
Pradeep Kumar Mahato
e advantage of
> it. If you want to use more than one core try using -openmmp 4 (to use 4
> cores).
> cheers
> Bruce
> On Mon, 8 Dec 2014, pradeep mahato wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I need to extract Hippocampus from brain mri image. The recon-all
After the recon-all process I want to access all the voxels in the left
hippocampus ( any subcortical region ) .
Please tell me is there any method to extract this voxel values from an
segmented image.
Thanking you
Pradeep Kumar Mahato
Freesurfer ma
Pls help
On Thu, Dec 11, 2014 at 8:54 AM, Bruce Fischl
> the ribbon.mgz isn't part of autorecon2 (or autorecon1) I don't think.
> What are you trying to run?
> On Thu, 11 Dec 2014, pradeep mahato wrote:
> Hi Bruce,
>> After running autoreco
> the segmentation if that is what you mean. The values for left and right
> hippocampus (17 and 53) can be found in
> $FREESURFER_HOME/FreeSurferColorLUT.txt
> cheers
> Bruce
> On
> Wed, 10 Dec 2014, pradeep mahato wrote:
> > After the recon-all process I
Hello everyone,
Have anyone used Broadwell or Haswell process for Brain MRI image
If used can you please mention the system configuration you are using.
How long does it take to run recon-all process for one brain MRI image.
Thanking you
Pradeep Kumar Mahato
Hello Experts,
There is a significant differences between a African, Asian or a Caucasian
brain size.
How does FreeSurfer recon-all performs for these different types of brain.
I am doing brain MRI analysis for Asian brain, will the default brain atlas
will be ok?
If not how do I load another brai
> On Mon, 2014-12-15 at 13:43 +0530, pradeep mahato wrote:
> > Hello everyone,
> >
> >
> > Have anyone used Broadwell or Haswell process for Brain MRI image
> > processing.
> >
> > If used can you please mention the system configuration yo
Hello experts,
I ran recon-all -all -hemi lh -s, it failed due to some rh.white
file missing .
Can someone tell me how i can run autorecon1 , autorecon2 and autorecon3
separately for each hemisphere. And also can I run the reconstruction
process for left and right hemisphere parallely.
How much ti
Hello experts,
How to view 3D image of hippocampus or any region of interest.
Thanking you
Pradeep Kumar Mahato
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