[Freesurfer] QDEC on multiple datasets

2009-01-05 Thread nels5614
Hello, I have run qcache on two separate datasets, and now would like to combine them and look at the data using QDEC. What is the proper way to go about doing this? Will I need to run an entirely separate instance of qcache on all of the datasets at once? Thanks for any information! ___

[Freesurfer] Qdec Cluster Size

2009-01-13 Thread nels5614
Hello, I am wondering if there is an easy way to determine the size of a cluster of significant voxels resulting from a QDEC analysis? I have created a label and mapped the label to all of the subjects, but didn't know if there was a way to extract information about cluster size. Thanks, Mi

[Freesurfer] Qdec "map label to subjects" error

2008-02-29 Thread nels5614
Hello, I have a question in regards to the "map label to subjects" feature in Qdec. Basically, I draw and save a label, and then try to map the label to all of the subjects in my SUBJECTS_DIR, but while running mri_label2label, I get this error: ERROR: there is a vertex in the label that can

[Freesurfer] Qdec Error

2008-08-20 Thread nels5614
Hello, I am seeing the following error in the terminal window when I run an analysis in QDEC: INFO: ignoring tag Creator INFO: ignoring tag SUBJECTS_DIR INFO: ignoring tag SynthSeed INFO: demeaning continous variables Continuous Variable Means (all subjects) Class Means of each Continuous