[Freesurfer] Open positions @ CASIA

2015-02-03 Thread Yong Liu
t Professor Tianzi Jiang on tianzi.ji...@uq.edu.au for research plan. To submit an application for these positions, please refer to http://www.uq.edu.au/research/research-management/uq-postdoctoral-research-fellowships. Thank you and very best Yours Yong Liu www.brainnetome.org/yongliu

[Freesurfer] PhD Positions, Brainnetome Center, CASIA

2013-12-28 Thread Yong Liu
Dear list, *Job1: PhD Positions are available in Neuroimaging and Brainnetome* Applications close: *Jan. 15, 2014*. *CAS-TWAS President’s Fellowship Programme Download * The role The development of the brain is characterised

[Freesurfer] Two positions are available @ Queensland Brain Institute

2014-05-05 Thread Yong Liu
Dear all, Two positions are available @ Queensland Brain Institute. *POSITION 1:* Postdoctoral Fellow Position in Neuroimaging and Brain Network Analysis at Queensland Brain Institute The Neuroimaging and Brainnetome Laboratory of Queensland Brain Institute (QBI) and Centre for Advanced Imaging

[Freesurfer] Five PhD positions are available in Brainnetome Center

2013-04-02 Thread Yong Liu
Dear all, Five PhD positions are available in our lab, the deadline for the first round is April 15. Please find the details below: http://www.brainnetome.org/job-bulletin.html *Job1: PhD Positions are available in Neuroimaging and Brainnetome* Applications close: *April 15th, 2013* for th

Re: [Freesurfer] Five PhD positions are available in Brainnetome Center

2013-04-05 Thread Yong Liu
Dear all, Five PhD positions are available in our lab, the deadline for the first round is April 15. Please find the details below: http://www.brainnetome.org/job-bulletin.html *Job1: PhD Positions are available in Neuroimaging and Brainnetome* Applications close: *April 15th, 2013* for th

[Freesurfer] Faculty Members and Postdoctoral Fellows in Brainnetome

2013-06-11 Thread Yong Liu
Dear all, *Faculty Members and Postdoctoral Fellows in Brainnetome* * * Please find the details below: http://www.brainnetome.org/en/job PS. If you also go to attend the OHBM 2013 in Seattle, you can find us at booth 218 at the exhibitor region. Date a meeting time by email to brainnet...@gma